Introducing The Talent Circle

Your key to access premier tech talent in India

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We take the risks. You reap the rewards.

Hire from the top 1% of tech talent pool

Reliable prompt engineers

Masters of every major tech stack, they are tech agnostic individuals.

30-day trial period. Risk-free.

Hire as many graduates as you need. Not satisfied? No problem!
We will take them back.

Dedicated Account Managers

From sourcing to hiring and post-hiring, we promise a 12-hour query resolution cycle.

Lightening Fast Hiring Process

No more counting days. Complete the hiring within 24 hours.

Wait, there's more...

VIP pass to exclusive events with the best minds in India

Join a growing community of HR leaders

Referral benefits
(coming soon)

Brought to you by Masai

India's only outcome-driven coding Institute


Frequently asked questions

Streamline Your Tech Hiring Pipeline Forever

A world of distinguished benefits awaits you. What are you waiting for?